![]() Dear reader, Here are the latest articles published today on the World Socialist Web Site. Opposing police murders and attacks on democratic rights draws workers into a struggle against the capitalist state, requiring a revolutionary perspective for a struggle for workers' power. No faction of the court expressed any concerns about administrative "overreach" only weeks ago when the Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation unilaterally declared a systemic financial risk and made available hundreds of billions of dollars to guarantee the assets of rich depositors at three failing banks. On Thursday, the corrupt far-right majority on the US Supreme Court issued a decision effectively abolishing racial preferences in university admissions. "We don't accept the attack on our club, and demand that the university overturns its decision and affiliates our club. Otherwise, the decision will be a precedent and a battering ram against the right of students to politically organise." Whatever uniform we wear, or whether we receive our pay cheque in pounds or dollars, we are in the same fight. Spacey has pleaded not guilty to three counts of indecent assault, three counts of sexual assault and one count of causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent between 2001 and 2013. In his first major policy, DeSantis boasted that as president he would change the "rules of engagement" to allow police and military units patrolling the border to use "deadly force" against immigrants. The US government's investigation did not support the official "suicide by hanging" narrative in the death of the billionaire sex offender on August 10, 2019. With the strike launched Thursday, we have struck an important first blow. It is now imperative we build on that by taking the conduct of the struggle from the pro-company USW bureaucrats into our own hands. In the first half of 2023, 14 states have passed laws either establishing the privatization of public schools or increased funding for existing programs. The TEU has led academics and students into a dead-end by insisting that the onslaught on tertiary education can be reversed by appeals to the Labour-Green Party government. The EVG executive could not demonstrate more clearly that it wants to avoid industrial action at all costs. Last Saturday's meeting decided to expand support for the action committee throughout Kandy Hospital and passed a resolution defending victimised plantation workers at Alton Estate. After more than 16 months of living in limbo in makeshift accommodation, distraught flood victims have suddenly received "cold calls" from government officials, saying they are not eligible for assistance. While the university has touted the GEO's agreement to "uphold" the ruling declaring the strike illegal, the GEO leadership has said little to nothing about it, nor explained its implications to rank-and-file members. The visit by Richard Marles was part of the ongoing efforts of Australian imperialism to maintain its hegemony in the impoverished Pacific country and counter China's growing influence. Given the level of opposition that has been expressed against the contract, workers should demand a detailed breakdown of the totals for each local. ABC management, working in collaboration with the MEAA and the CPSU, have halved the state-funded broadcaster's workforce in the past three decades. L&B workers can win this fight, but only if this struggle is taken out of the grips of the union and the company and securely controlled by workers themselves through the formation of rank-and-file committees. Bangladesh garment workers protest murder of union leader; India: Punjab commuter transport workers strike; South Korea: Hyundai Motor union to strike date for higher pay; Australia: Tasmanian iron-ore miners walk out; New Zealand school principals vote on third pay offer The RCN leadership under General Secretary Pat Cullen was in constant backroom talks with the government and NHS management aimed at reaching a sellout deal and calling off action. About the WSWS The World Socialist Web Site is published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, the world Trotskyist movement, and its affiliated sections in the Socialist Equality Parties around the world. Find out more about joining the Socialist Equality Party.
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