![]() Dear reader, Here are the latest articles published today on the World Socialist Web Site. Across Europe, a dangerous pattern has been seen time and again when a mass leftward shift has prompted the formation of "broad left" parties, only to see them betray and hand the initiative to the far right. With the contracts of hundreds of thousands of UPS and autoworkers expiring soon, the possibility of major shutdowns of critical industries looms. With the company on the verge of bankruptcy and refusing to pay pensions and healthcare, a strike at the company could begin as soon as Monday. Bans on the exports of computer chips to China imposed last October "essentially seek to eradicate, root and branch, China's entire ecosystem of advanced technology." The Move Forward Party has responded, not by calling protests in defense of the democratic right to vote, but instead by caving in to the conservative establishment. A leading member of the National Steel Car Rank-and-File Committee explained why workers' took the decision to establish the NSC-RFC in opposition to the United Steelworkers bureaucracy. Ford workers spoke about Biden's meeting with the UAW president and the need for rank-and-file control over the contract struggle. "A lot of times big companies look down on the little guys, but this time we really mean it and we want it. I one hundred percent support the strike." The setting of the trial date, in the midst of an escalating war against Russia and a growing wave of strikes and protests by workers in the US and internationally, highlights the unprecedented crisis and breakdown of the US political system. Duván Robert Tomás Pérez, an immigrant from Guatemala, was killed on the evening of July 14, when his body became trapped on a conveyor belt he was cleaning inside the Mar-Jac plant in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Created in 1990, the São Paulo Forum claims to have inaugurated a "renewal" of Latin America's nominal left. The July 19 protests were the largest nationwide since March, but still dominated by indigenous peasant groups and students as the official "left" refuses to mobilize the working class. "Macquarie's management sees the IYSSE anti-war campaign as a risk to its multiple connections with the military industrial sector, and has felt emboldened amid the establishment's militaristic campaign." Vicinity apartment owner Patrick Quintal told World Socialist Web Site reporters that the collapse of Toplace means that owners of defective apartments may be liable for the full cost of complying with the rectification orders. The tragic shooting is already being used to demand tougher sentencing and more police powers, as New Zealand prepares for an election in October. Almost 1,000 flights had to be cancelled and an estimated quarter of a million passengers were affected. Lethal injection was used to execute Jemaine Cannon on Thursday morning in Oklahoma and James Barber on Friday morning in Alabama, after last-minute legal challenges were struck down by an appeals court and the US Supreme Court. The move is the latest in Abbott's Operation Lone Star, a border security initiative launched in 2021 to deter asylum seekers. In proudly sharing a platform with Ukrainian neo-Nazis who are fighting a war on behalf of US imperialism, Fukuyama, the erstwhile prophet of the triumph of "liberal democracy", has become the embodiment of the bankruptcy of his own theory. Sri Lankan health workers hold nationwide protests; Bangladeshi secondary-level school teachers strike; Australia: Queensland power workers walk out for higher pay; New Zealand nurses to strike for 24 hours. About the WSWS The World Socialist Web Site is published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, the world Trotskyist movement, and its affiliated sections in the Socialist Equality Parties around the world. Find out more about joining the Socialist Equality Party.
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