![]() Dear reader, Here are the latest articles published today on the World Socialist Web Site. There is a clear double standard between the media hysteria over alleged Russian atrocities in Ukraine and the silence over the rampages by Israeli troops and settlers on the occupied West Bank. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday each set new record highs for the average world temperature, a stark warning of the ongoing and future dangers of global warming. The Ukrainian government has organized a hunt for its own citizens. Men of military age, in gross violation of the law, are seized off the streets, and forcibly sent into the army. Then, in a great many cases they are sent to the front with virtually no military training where many of them die or are seriously injured. Despite the fascistic statements of police unions and their extremely violent repression of youth protesting the police murder of Nahel M, the Macron government has aligned with the far-right to denounce all criticism of the police. The result is significant precisely because right-wing groups, with the support of the university administration, tried to make the IYSSE's election campaign impossible. The issues facing workers elsewhere in industry and transport—inflation, underpaid tiers, benefit issues, poor working conditions, and pensions— are the same as ours at NSC. We all ought to be fighting for this together as a class, regardless of artificial borders. After the BCMEA announced the suspension of bargaining Monday, the ILWU responded with appeals to the bosses to return to the bargaining table, while at the same time offering workers no way forward in resisting an impending back-to-work law. In line with International Monetary Fund demands, the government is slashing welfare and all other social spending. Sri Lankan welfare, the IMF, says should only assist "vulnerable sections." One API worker has told the World Socialist Web Site that since the strike began on June 23, significant numbers of workers have left the picket. Further military assaults flow inexorably from the agenda of Netanyahu's far-right coalition, which is committed to the annexation of the West Bank in pursuit of its aim of establishing a Jewish Supremacist state in both Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. The activities of the FBI in London indicate an escalation of the campaign against WikiLeaks and Assange, now being spearheaded by the Biden administration. An interview with Judy Chaikin, director of Legacy of the Hollywood Blacklist (1987). Payroll firm ADP reported 497,000 new jobs in June, more than double previous estimates, provoking fears on Wall Street of further interest rate increases. "I want to tell API workers: don't make the same mistake as Pampas workers by waiting till the last minute to speak out… If we work together we definitely will win." People across the Northern Rivers region are outraged by the release of flood maps showing that thousands of the residents whose homes were inundated will be excluded from the assistance scheme, which has been cut in half by the state and federal Labor governments. "I don't think anyone is calling this any type of historic victory." Court clerks in France in 24-hour national walkout over pay while journalists' two-week strike to demand ouster of far-right editor at Le Journal du Dimanche continues; protests continue in Iran over cost of living, with strikes across many sectors including Haft Tappeh sugarcane factory workers, nurses and pensioners; workers in South Africa strike across whole country against cost-of-living crisis, unemployment and corruption Privatisation brought a Wild West-style rampage at the hands of bank consortiums, private equity firms and sovereign wealth funds committed to extracting every last penny from customers and workers and building up debts while splashing out on dividends. Why did the HSE refuse to impose a Prohibition Notice? And why hadn't the CWU already taken action to shut the site down while remedial measures were conducted to prevent an accident waiting to happen? About the WSWS The World Socialist Web Site is published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, the world Trotskyist movement, and its affiliated sections in the Socialist Equality Parties around the world. Find out more about joining the Socialist Equality Party.
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