![]() Dear reader, Here are the latest articles published today on the World Socialist Web Site. Saturday's meeting, which was attended by a worldwide audience, presented a powerful case for a unified movement of the international working class for socialist revolution as the only realistic strategy to stop World War III. Responsibility for this terrible crime lies with all the governments of Europe, who have conspired to turn the continent into a "fortress" against desperate people, and with the United States and its allies whose imperialist violence has dismembered societies across the Middle East and Africa. Three weeks after devastating earthquakes caused massive destruction and mass deaths in Turkey and Syria, anger at the government's response is growing. Residents of East Palestine and surrounding areas packed a town hall meeting hosted by environmental advocate Erin Brockovich Friday evening to hear presentations on the dangers posed by the train derailment and subsequent release and burn of toxic chemicals. Hundreds of thousands of people across southern Michigan from Detroit to Kalamazoo were still without power for a fifth day on Sunday as the energy monopolies continued making excuses about why nothing has been done to prepare the infrastructure for increasingly intense weather events. The announcement of the end of daily pandemic data came just before the PT government completely ignored the threat that Carnival represented for the worsening of the pandemic in Brazil. The latest fraud promoted by Jacobin in Latin America is that the return of Lula and the Workers Party (PT) to power in Brazil represents "a huge win for the global left." Norway's location on the northwest of the Scandinavian Peninsula, with a 196-kilometre border with Russia, makes it a key ally for US imperialism to wage war on Russia. Moldova is in the grips of a severe political crisis as its government prepares to drag it into the NATO war against Russia. The Wall Street Journal disclosed that the Department of Energy has shifted its opinion on the origin of the coronavirus to it being most likely a result of a lab leak. However, unnamed sources who have read the report indicate the evidence is of low confidence. SEP and Plantation Workers Action Committee members campaigned at the Alton, Fairlawn, Glenugie, Strathspey and Gartmore estates in Maskeliya prior to Wickremesinghe's cancelation of the local government polls. A group of neo-Nazis protested at a preview of Parade in New York City last week, a musical about the trial and 1915 lynching of Leo Frank, a Jewish manager of a factory in Atlanta. The ADL report concealed the fact that the three largest mass shootings last year were directly linked to the Republican Party, making the GOP the number one driver of fascist terrorist violence in the United States. None of the four "major" candidates or any of the also-rans offers any way forward for the working class. SEP candidates Oscar Grenfell and Max Boddy, along with other party members, spoke to people in working-class Liverpool about the need for a socialist alternative to the program of war and austerity put forward by all other parties in the election. The material in the German newspaper further substantiates claims that the US government has waged an illegal global campaign against Julian Assange, WikiLeaks and their supporters. Pat Cason-Merenda is a retired nurse in Detroit who spoke to the WSWS in support of nurses and health care workers around the world who are facing horrific working conditions. This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago. Every union, including the NEU, has been desperate to dissipate the anger and opposition amongst public sector workers to the devastating impact of austerity and rising inflation producing a collapse in living standards and a funding crisis to essential public services. STWC was unable to enlist the support of a single prominent "left" figure in the Labour Party or trade union bureaucracy to speak from the stage, such as been the lurch to the right of these layers. About the WSWS The World Socialist Web Site is published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, the world Trotskyist movement, and its affiliated sections in the Socialist Equality Parties around the world. Find out more about joining the Socialist Equality Party.
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